Farai Gotora Farai Gotora

The Lost Collection of Umne.

This story is inspired by a Reedsy prompt which states:

Dream up a secret library. Write a story about an adventurer who discovers it. What’s in the library? Why was it kept secret?

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Farai Gotora Farai Gotora

The Bulbous Thing In The Sky.

On the day Louis was set to fly off in his balloon, the small community of white land holders and a spattering of Africans gathered to witness this great spectacle. They all jostled to get a look at the peculiar thing.

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Farai Gotora Farai Gotora

Sribia and The Great Eternal.

It is Sribian lore that the islands of the Noyi archipelago were, once upon a time, the summit of a mighty mountain range called J’Neer. It’s impossible to picture a single mountain ever being a part of this landscape let alone a mountain range yet the legend persists amongst the Sribian’s who aren’t known for their storytelling. It’s even speculated that the Sribian’s were descendents of the gods that used to roam the land and sea many unthinkable years ago, hence the peculiar skills they possess.

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Farai Gotora Farai Gotora

The Dutchess Flies At Noon.

When he was a few paces from his car, a piece of paper fluttered in the wind. It looped in the air and landed on his car hood. Curious, he picked the paper up and unfurled it.

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Farai Gotora Farai Gotora

Eran’s Journey.

I don’t recall going to sleep the night I first arrived at Yera forest. I do recall the vivid dream I had. A floating entity with enormous wings and a terrible gaze drifted through the forest, seeking humans to snatch up and put in its quiver. Once the quiver held a certain number of screaming persons, the entity flew up high into the sky, well above the trees and took out a large bow. Like a skilled archer, the entity would reach back into its quiver, draw out a person and launch them one by one into the roaring sun.

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Farai Gotora Farai Gotora

A Trip To Queens.

Valentine’s Day was mere days away so the scent of love was pungent in the air. Or so it seemed for others but not for her. For months leading up to this day, Chloe had been aware of a certain imbalance in her romantic relationship, namely the lack of romance.

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Farai Gotora Farai Gotora

Hello and Welcome.

I want to spend less time doom scrolling and I want the same for you. Scroll through my little blog instead and focus on one thing for five minutes. You can do it!

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